Welcome to Total Type!

I’m Maria and I’m glad you’re here.

I graduated in 2021 from Kent State University with my Bachelors of Science in journalism with minors in psychology and advertising. After graduation, I searched for jobs that fit my needs and wants, but I kept coming up short. Eventually, I found that my dream job didn’t exist, so I created it.

Thus, Total Type was born. I took all the skills I acquired over the past six years from college, internships with local media outlets and my experience as a freelancer and turned it into a business.

The digital world is crucial — now more than ever. If you want to reach an audience, you have to do it online. You have to engage on social media, send email newsletters and publish blogs and fresh reporting to capture your audience’s attention and establish a relationship. I can do that for you.

I have several years of experience and accolades from previous clients and I can offer a fresh, young perspective to your digital needs. Writing and editing takes time — time you probably don’t have. That’s why hiring a freelance writer is so valuable.

So let’s talk about what you need. I’d love the chance to work with you.